Author: admin
    • August 29, 2016
    • admin
    We may face no bigger challenge today than that of steering our children through a maze of modern day temptations. As parents, we are frustrated by how often our children ignore our guidance yet seem to be so influenced by today’s “role models” – the athletes, musicians, and entertainers. It is the purpose of this project to maximize the platform Ed Hearn has been given as a professional athlete to share the messages all parents wishes their children would listen to and respond. Strong soundness is a result of regular exercise and lifestyle. How can remedies hels up? However, there...
    • August 28, 2016
    • admin
    As an outreach to chronically ill patients and their families through hospitals, support groups, and nonprofit health services organizations, the Character to Conquer has very obvious ministry possibilities. As painful as it may seem at the time, many health challenges can be catalysts for unveiling a deeper, more meaningful purpose in one’s life. It is the intent of this focus area to utilize the vast experience of Ed Hearn in this very special arena. There may be no greater opportunity to impact lives as when individuals and families are facing these trying times. They are frequently reaching out to grasp...
    • August 26, 2016
    • admin
    From a evening spent by the hot coals of campsite fire, to the hair-raising adventures in pursuit of wild game, the great outdoors offers one of the most conducive venues to shaping the character of young and old alike. So overly “connected” to our fast-paced culture of “digital” proportions, fewer and fewer Americans are taking the time to experience the traditions and outdoor heritage upon which our great country has developed. By working with other passionate outdoorsmen, women and organizations, the Character of the Great Outdoors’ mission is to provide opportunities to “disconnect” and soak in the moral fiber of...
    • August 26, 2016
    • admin
    We believe this country was founded on the basis of a true Christian heritage. It is the purpose of the Character of Christ focus area to provide special outreach and discipleship opportunities through evangelistic events sponsored by churches, youth groups, nonprofit Christian-affiliated groups and associations. The dynamic testimony that God has constructed in the life of Ed Hearn will be the initial focal point. It closely resembles the words penned by the Apostle Paul.… “…so I was given a thorn in the flesh and three times I begged God to make me well again. Each time He said, `No, but...